“Your two shows at Glenfair Elementary School today were the funniest, highest energy and most entertaining I’ve seen in my 16 years at this school. Your message of perseverance and never giving up was one these kids need to hear over and over, but you presented it in a fun, accessible way. Having so many kids participate in your tricks kept the interest and excitement high throughout. We can’t wait to have you back!”
Chris Pierce, Title 1 Teacher, Glenfair Elementary, Reynolds S.D.
Leapin’ Louie has been performing super fun and energetic reading encouragement shows in schools and libraries for 20 years. Always an audience favorite!
Two shows for 2023! All Leapin’ Louie shows feature high energy physical and verbal comedy, lots of audience participation, cowboy rope tricks, juggling, magic, unicycle, and other stunts. All are about 50 minutes long and super fun!
Leapin’ Louie: The History of Flight on Earth
Leapin’ Louie uses circus, cowboy tricks, puppetry and lots of comedy to explore all those amazing critters, including us, who fly.
In 500 million years powered flight evolved 5 times: Insects, pterosaurs, birds, bats and finally humans. Only 66 years after the Wright Brothers invented the airplane, —we landed on the moon.
2. Read! Fun! Now! This greatest hits show features dual themes of reading encouragement and learning through making mistakes. Classic super fun numbers like the giraffe unicycle, the four kid orchestra that accompanies juggling, lots of big lasso tricks, etc.
Leapin’ Louie makes kids love books!
Besides flying all over the world to perform Leapin’ Louie shows, (34 countries so far) David is also a certified elementary school teacher with a life-long love of children’s literature, so his shows contain specific literature ties to about 10 great titles for each show.
Every kid gets a Leapin’ Louie’s Best Books Ever flyer.
Here’s that current book list with my all-time 78 favorite titles: Best Books Flyer
These shows are designed as full assembly school shows in the gym or cafeteria. They are also performed 25 times a year or so in libraries. With small adaptations Louie has performed the six foot unicycle and rope tricks in tiny library spaces.

Here’s an unedited video of an old Read! Fun! Now! 8 years back. People still come up to me and tell me they saw this video on Cable Access TV: Leapin’ Louie Read! Fun! Now! at Oak Grove Library
“His humor is refreshing and unpredictable and universally appealing. He is a consummate performer whose skills are so impressive that he can hold the attention of any audience and make them want to learn to do what he can do.” — Don Walker Director, Kid Konnection Circus Project